Enjoy coffee, Belgian cream biscuits, great cakes, a delicious butter cream or our chocolate specialities and also hearty specialities from the Eifel and the Ardennes.
- The cafe is open daily from 8:00 - 18:00
- Takeaway sales from 8:00 - 18:30
- We are happy to take advance orders and special requests for birthdays, communions, anniversaries by telephone:
Enjoy yourself... in the cake paradise
For more than 30 years now, we have been your delightful address for the country's speciality "Belgian cake". A pleasurable, colourful and versatile sight is offered to our customers at the cake counter. A truly large selection of the most varied cakes and pastries. . . simply different . . . simply Belgian. Small and large "tartlets" and "cakes", yeast, puff pastry or short pastry, sweet pudding layers, a variety of fruit toppings, cream cakes, and much more. . . something for every taste.
Here, you can find the good cake.
Two Belgian bakers, both working in a small family setting and making their delicacies from scratch, are the suppliers who bring their specialties to Losheim every morning. The café is known for its wide variety. A true abundance of cakes and pastries is available daily, and the products not only differ in taste but also in form and size from German pastries.
Simply different, simply Belgian.
There are small round "tarts" that have yeast dough, puff pastry, or shortcrust pastry as a base, then a thin layer of pudding, and they are topped with fruits. Whether banana, raspberry, strawberry, seasonal fruits, or mixed fruits - just the sight of them makes your mouth water. And of course, these tarts are also available in larger sizes as "flans" and in a huge variety. Something for every taste.
But the most famous is the Belgian rice flan.
There are myths surrounding its origins. It was born more than 100 years ago in the Walloon city of Verviers. In the 18th and 19th centuries, this city was very wealthy, as the soft water of the Weser was ideal for cloth makers. Later, as competition from England grew, the merchants sought other activities. And since Belgium had an African colony, new fruits and specialties like cocoa and coffee came into the country. Trade flourished, and bakers and pastry chefs took great joy in working with these exotic specialties.
For ordinary people, these were initially unaffordable, and as numerous workers kept passing by the pastry shop windows without buying anything, a master baker wanted to create a cheaper specialty, something for everyone. In the cellar, he stumbled over a sack of rice, got annoyed at his wife for putting it there, and suddenly had an idea. He cooked the rice with fresh cow's milk and sugar and then placed the sweet mixture into a yeast dough mold for baking. Thus, the Belgian rice flan was born.
The workers appreciated this calorie-rich snack, and soon there were imitators. The Belgian rice flan gained a high level of fame even among athletes, specifically cyclists, because for a long time, small rice flans were part of the daily standard provision for cyclists in the Tour de France. Rice flan contains a lot of protein and carbohydrates; it is simply delicious.
And at the OLD SMUGGLER café, you can find the original Belgian rice flan.